3 de noviembre de 2018


Unshared thoughts
Unspoken words.
Unsheded tears
And silent screams.

In our sleeps we fly
And in our lives we cry
But they don't know
About those wounds.

Someone cares,
You're aware
But you're scared
So you don't dare.

When will it be that time?
When you're just hip and bones
Or when you're long gone?
Shortly we will know.

Strong and rustic is that skin
It'll keep you hanging there
But the horror will come

And you’ll hear their screams.

30 de octubre de 2018

Flower end

Did you know that flowers cry too?
Did you know that your footsteps hurt?
Oh, did you know…
Did you know…

Did you know that quietness is dangerous
Because you’re left alone with your thoughts
And in that hole
They drag you down even further

Just say the word and I’ll jump
Don’t need to punch or hurt
Just say it
So it all can end.

How many tears will you shed then?
Would you take it back or don’t give a damn?
It doesn’t matter, no it won’t
Cuz I’ll be long gone.

Oh, did you know that flowers die
Just by the whispers of your words?
They will never grow back again
And you’ll never be the same.

4 de mayo de 2018

Lágrimas de remordimiento.

Hoy lloré por ti, por tu dolor.
Por esa mirada de aflicción y de temor.
Por esos gritos que no llegan a ser escuchados.
Por ese llanto desgarrador al ser asesinado.

Hoy lloré porque no busco tu perdón.
Porque tu nobleza es tal, que no logro entenderla.
Porque tu belleza es destruida por mis manos asesinas.
Y porque tu cuerpo es consumido por mi codicia e ignorancia.

Hoy lloré no sólo por ti, sino por los miles de ustedes que consumí.
Lloré por mi especie, y por los miles de ustedes que asesinan por avaricia.
Lloré de frustración, por sentirme inútil al no poder salvarlos.
Pero sobre todo lloré sabiendo que, si te pido perdón, tú me lo concederías sin dudarlo.